Tsiamis and EEC|CCNY students conduct on-site testing of newly designed SWPS commercial gasifier in Saugerties, NY

February 17, 2017

Ms. Demetra Tsiamis and EEC|CCNY student research associates visited the SWPS facility in Saugerties, NY to conduct on-site testing of the newly designed commercial gasifier unit.  EEC monitored syngas quality and collected syngas and char samples for further analysis at the CCNY labs.  This was the first time SWPS was operating the new unit since the design modifications of the commercial unit in Summer 2016.

Dr. Godoy from Universidad del Desarollo, Chile visits EEC|CCNY

February 13, 2017

Dr. Alex Godoy from Universidad del Desarollo in Chile visited EEC|CCNY to tour the labs and discuss potential research collaborations between the universities.  Dr. Godoy is the Director of the Sustainability Research Center in Santiago, Chile and has an interest incorporating energy recovery technologies as part of a sustainable holistic framework for waste management in Chile.

Castaldi and Tsiamis attend workshop on flame retardants in plastics at University of Berkeley

February 7-9, 2017

Professor Castaldi and Ms. Demetra Tsiamis attended a workshop hosted by Green Science Policy Institute on The Responsible Disposal of Flame Retarded Plastics and Foam.  The workshop took place at the University of Berkeley campus and the purpose of it was to bring together municipalities, industry, and waste disposal experts to discuss responsible solutions for the management of waste containing flame retardants, specifically plastics and foams.

Click here for more information on Green Science Policy Institute

New CCNY undergraduates join the EEC|CCNY research team

January 9, 2017

EEC|CCNY would like to welcome the following new members to the EEC research team: Rainiel, Xing, Yacine, Anta, Koffi, Joe, Sami, and Diana.  These students are CCNY undergraduates ranging from freshmen to seniors from both the Chemical Engineering and Environmental Science and Engineering (ESE) programs.  They will be conducting research spanning from gasification to waste reuse and we are excited for them to begin their research experience in sustainable waste management.

Tsiamis and Castaldi visit Enerkem commercial facility in Edmonton

  • November 29- December 2, 2016

    EEC|CCNY visited the Enerkem commercial facility in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada which began operations in 2016.  The Enerkem process gasifies MSW to produce methanol and ethanol.  The designed production capacity of the commercial facility is 100 million gallons of biofuels per year and Enerkem plans to begin production of ethanol later this year.  EEC|CCNY’s site visit was in conjunction with the closing down of a 3-year pilot study sponsored by the American Chemistry Council (ACC) and conducted by EEC|CCNY to determine the impact of non-recyclable plastics (NRP) on gasification.